Chapter Seven

The Seventh Parable

How We Are To Give

We have come to the seventh and final parable which God has given me to share. This too is one of my favorites. I have saved it for last, because I know it will have a powerful effect on the lives of those wishing to store up treasure in Heaven. This particular parable comes from my early days of being a “born again” Christian. It is a true story, just as all of the others in this book have been.

When I first became a born again Christian I was so on fire to help spread the Word. There were so many good ministries on television. So.... I gave, and I gave, and I gave. I was giving to the local church I attended. But why stop there? I was giving to Christian Retreat, where I had first learned from Gerald Derstine the only label important to wear is Christian. But then there was the local Christian T.V. station WCLF, not to mention the 700 Club and PTL. I would see a guy on T.V. crying and saying, “If you don’t send in some money to help us now, we will be going off the air.” I can’t let that happen! I would rush to the phone, “Put me down for $15.00 a month,” I would say with a sense of urgency in my voice.

Then one day it happened. Bad news! In the mail I started to get reminders from my creditors. Many saying, “We gave you this credit in good faith - do you wish for us to have to send the bill collector to your door?” In my urgent flurry to give, I had fallen behind in my bills. Reaching a rather stark conclusion I had to say, “Lord I’m so very sorry, but I’m going to have to cut back in all of my giving. I’ve got to catch up on these bills. I know You will understand.”

God did understand, but I did not! I was hurting very deeply over having to stop giving to so many of the ministries. All had told me, “You can’t out give God! Give BIG and it will come back to you even BIGGER!” I had become a hurting mess emotionally. Was there something I had done in my life that was terribly wrong? Was there some “hidden” and “unforgiven” sin in my life, which was causing me not to be “blessed”? I kept telling God how I was hurting over this, each time asking Him to reveal where I had gone wrong.

Then one day God looked on me with mercy. He spoke to me in a parable which completely settled the matter. It healed my hurting soul completely. Several years later I was able to share this parable with a couple who lived in a Beach front apartment, which in today’s dollars would be around a $350-500 thousand dollar p(a)lace. When I shared what God had shown me, the lady burst into tears. Why was she crying? Read on and you’ll know why.

In relating the parable, I spoke of how one day God said to me, “Joe, there are raindrops, there are creeks, there are rivers, and there are oceans. A raindrop can’t pretend to be a river, anymore than a river can pretend to be a raindrop. You must learn to give according to how the money flows. Your heart was in the right place, but you were trying to be something you were not. I know what you are, for it is I Who have allowed financial blessings to come your way. Some people try to fool Me, such as rivers who try to pretend they are raindrops.

Joe, you need never be ashamed of being a raindrop, if that is what you truly are. For it’s the raindrops which make things happen! The creeks, and rivers, all stay calm and still; until the raindrops start to pour in. Then exciting things begin to happen! The creek comes alive and runs to feed the river. The river in turn becomes alive as it too is stirred up, flowing rapidly toward the ocean. Joe, you may be only a raindrop now. However, if later I Bless you to where you have finances which flow like an ocean - don’t continue to give as a raindrop. In gratitude - give as an ocean.

Always remember: it is far better to be a “raindrop”- than to be a “teardrop,” when on the day you must stand before Me, and I ask of you, what did you give back to Me, in return for all I gave to you? Sadly you know your answer will be - Nothing.”

I believe now you may realize why the lady was crying so sadly. Her husband looked at me and said, “we are the “river” that has been pretending to be a raindrop.” His wife, who had fallen on to the floor in tears, looked up at me and said, “we have been giving just $5.00 a week in church.” In tears of sadness she said, “We could easily afford to give $500.00 a week, and never missed it!”

Being able to give $500.00 a week boggled my mind back then. It still does today! But I have much to thank God for. In my desire to be used by Him to help others through the sale of the books He has given me. It just might come to pass that I will see my finances grow to become a creek, then a river, and finally an ocean. You can hold me to my word on this. I will practice the teaching which this parable from God has taught me. It is my fervent prayer this teaching will bring words of encouragement to those who truly are only raindrops. May it also convict the heart of any who may be thinking they will get by pretending to be a raindrop, when God knows this is not true.

I know there are some pastors whose favorite way of getting money out of people is to say: “You can’t OUTGIVE GOD!” This is true, and tithing is merely giving back to God a tiny portion of what He has given to you. But no matter how much money you may give, you can never FORCE God to have an IOU (meaning big bucks are sure to be yours). God gives back in many ways, not only monetarily. How about the blessings of good health? What about when what you give comes from your heart (a cheerful giver) – and God sends His Holy Spirit to convict the heart of a lost loved one, causing them to come to know Jesus as Lord? Are these not ways God has of “giving back to us”?

Some will criticize me, saying this teaching is against giving. Such a lie is easy to expose by the truth. Giving financial support to God’s work is a vital part of our daily Christian walk. What this teaching says is don’t become “fleeced by wolves – in sheep’s clothing.” If you are truly poor, don’t pretend to be rich, in the false belief that it will make God Love you even more. God loves you just as you arebless you even more? Have you never been taught this by those seeking your money?

As a minister whose ministry is guided by the Spirit of Truth, what I am teaching about giving is for both the rich and the poor. What is the Truth? You cannot “buy” blessings from God with money. Blessings are purchased by where your heart seeks to store up its treasures! It’s that simple! You who are rich, and “pretend” to be poor when it comes to giving in support of the true church; I must tell you – you are only fooling yourself, not God. You may get away with being “thrifty” in giving your money to satan’s imitation “religious” body and bride of Christ. But how are you to be blessed anyway, by attending and supporting such an abomination?

Get out of the “religious” church, both you and your money! Find a church where the Spirit of God is free to teach you about your restored “Relationship” with your Heavenly Father! Once there, support their work in the manner befitting the way God has blessed you in your finances. If you continue to “pretend” you are poor, when you are not, what will it profit you? Your eventual PROFIT - You will live eternally among the poorest of souls in Heaven. Jesus did not lie when He said: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

This was a warning to the wise. We all know you cannot take your money with you when you die. We must send it ahead – which means we must not be stingy in supporting God’s work here on earth. You who are wealthy - give not just to your church in the proper portion; give to those helping the needy as well. Show God you are grateful for the blessings of wealth He has sent your way. Prove to God your heart is open to the needs of those who are poor. Bless others - not just with money, but minister to the spiritual needs of both the rich and the poor you come into contact with. Do this, and riches will await you in Heaven. This is the TRUTH regarding what God’s Word teaches about giving and being blessed!

I am so thankful to God for the freedom I have to boldly proclaim the truth from God’s Word. I do not seek your money. I seek for you to know the truth, and be set free by knowing it. If any pastor is offended by my doing the work God has given me to do, may I suggest you examine your motives for feeling offended? Are you a wolf in sheep’s clothing – seeking to “fleece” God’s sheep? Are you a minister of “Religion” in the man-made or satanically inspired false body and bride of Christ? Is the Holy Spirit free and welcomed to minister Truth to those whom you would teach? Do you daily seek His wisdom, discernment, and guidance? Do you make the effort to teach God’s sheep about the loving “Relationship” which Jesus came to restore? Do you teach of how the Holy Spirit through the Kingdom of God inside will minister His “Fruit” and “Gifts” to each of them, as they make the sincere effort to seek and use them?

For all who would like to have confirmation this parable is indeed of God; when I asked, “Lord where is this teaching to be found in Your Word?” He showed me exactly where it may be found. Please check 1st Corinthians, chapter 16, verses 1 and 2 – “Let everyman (rich or poor) give - according to how God has Blessed him.” About a week after I had received this parable and had been seeking confirmation that it was from God, something amazing happened. God gave me further confirmation. I was and still am a constant fan and viewer of the 700 Club. The program had an opening format. A week after the parable on giving had been given me; One day I found to my surprise the opening format had been changed.

The opening to the 700 Club now showed rain falling in a forest. The raindrops were seen landing on leaves and streaming toward a creek. As the many streams of raindrops flooded into the creek, its waters began flowing rapidly into a river, which in turn rushed toward an ocean. I wish I had a video tape of what I have just described. But Pat Robinson could tell you it is true.

I close now, being thankful to God for what He has allowed me to share with you. If the writings have been helpful, may I encourage you to inform others about this book? Better yet, buy copies for your friends, relatives, and lost loved ones. You need not worry about the monies not going to further God’s Kingdom on earth. My desire is to store up treasures in Heaven. May God give you and me the desires of our heart.

Your brother in Christ Love,


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